OMEX StimPro GA3

Breaking dormancy



  • Follow the recommended rates and timing listed on the label for each crop and do not exceed the recommendation.
  • Fill spray tank with half of the full volume of water and then add required amount of StimPro-GA3™ 5%, followed by the remaining water. Add desired amount of surfactant after adding all required water.
  • Agitate vigorously for a minimum of 10 minutes before beginning application.
  • Use appropriate water volume to guarantee good coverage.
  • For full product activity, application should be made under cool, slow-drying weather conditions, preferably early in the morning or late in the day. Avoid hot, windy periods. StimPro-GA3™ 5% has low solubility in water and cannot be used in high concentrations. In solution, it has limited stability and should be applied as soon as possible.
  • Several factors may affect StimPro-GA3™ 5% efficacy including:
    • Rainfall within 4–6 hours of application will reduce activity significantly.
    • Very early maturing varieties may not respond to StimPro-GA3™ 5%.
    • Trees under stress because of low soil moisture, nutrient deficiency, severe weed competition, insect, disease or rodent damage may not respond to StimPro-GA3™ 5%.
    • Inadequate spray coverage.
    • A heavy crop load (high fruit/leaf ratio) may reduce effectiveness.
  • All necessary precautions should be taken to avoid spray drift into adjoining residential properties, orchards, aquatic habitats and roadways.

What is it?

  • CFIA-registered supplement: Reg. # 2018xxxA, Fertilizers Act
  • The product contains gibberellic acid (GA3), a very potent plant growth regulator that control several processes of crops growth and development.
  • GA3 is the hormone that triggers rice to grow out of the water in the paddies.
  • GA3 promotes plant and flower growth and increased fruit set.
  • Applications of very low concentrations can have a profound effect.
  • However, excessive application or higher rates may result in undesirable stem elongation.
  • Timing of application is also crucial for insuring a beneficial effect.

When and Why use it?

  • The product is recommended on all crops including field, horticultural and vegetable crops as well as fruit trees, turf and ornamentals.
  • It can be used to break dormancy and enhance emergence in tuber and root crops.
  • GA3 is produced first in the seed to trigger production of the a-amylase that stimulates seed germination.
  • It helps with tolerance to cold and frost conditions early in the season.
  • GA3 is known to increase fruit and seed size.
  • Gibberellins stimulate cell elongation and cause the plants to grow taller after dilution to minimize settlement.

What to expect?

  • Better germination and early season establishment.
  • An improved growth and development especially under cool and cold stress conditions.
  • GA3 is produced first in the seed to trigger production of the a-amylase that stimulates seed germination.
  • Better seed and fruit sizes.
  • Enhanced yield and quality.