
How to apply?
- Applied as a sulfur source before canola rotation (500-1000lbs/acre) every 3-4 years.
- Product is applied with a large-chained spin spreader.
- Custom applicators are available upon request.
- Product is sold by the truckload approx. 39mt/load; price varies depending on location.
An Alternate Sulfur Source
Gypsum is a natural calcium sulfate [CaSO4. 2H2O]. For agriculture sulfur is an essential nutrient when growing healthy crops. Traditional sulfur sources are expensive and often harmful to soils due to their high acidity. The calcium [Ca] contained in gypsum neutralizes the acidity of the sulfate and solves the pH problem making it an excellent and healthy alternative source of sulfur for soil.
Why use Gypsum?
- Can be used in high sodic soils as well as high pH soils.
- Has a high water-holding capacity.
- Offsets high sodium [Na] soils, rates of application will vary depending on problem severity.
- Calcium holds the sulfur in place in the soil and reduces the leaching that occurs between applications.
- More affordable than traditional sulfur sources.
- Doesn’t need to be applied annually.
When do you need Gypsum?
- Sulfur Maintenance.
- High sodium [Na] soils (over 1.0% [Na]).
- High pH soils (over 7).