How to apply?
- Application rates vary from 1-4L/acre depending on soil samples.
- Sprayed onto the soil or placed in furrow at seeding time.
- Can not be tank mixed with most herbicides; if they are mixed the herbicides will be ineffective.
- Can be tank mixed with other fertilizers.
Humic Acid
Humic acid is a naturally existing acid within soil that is a key component in transporting nutrients within plants. Our humic product is a concentrated liquid humic that we use as source of Carbon [C] in the soil. This carbon helps us build humus in the growing zone and increase fertilizer efficiency.
Why use Humic Acid?
- The product is 81% humic.
- Chelate salts within the soil.
- Prevents fertilizer leaching due to its ability to hold onto cations
- Creates micro-pores within the soil.
- Offsets high salts and sodium [Na] in the soil.
When do you need Humic Acid?
- High Salt and Sodium [Na]
- Low Carbon [C] levels