OMEX SuperMn+
ANALYSIS (10-10-4 WITH 6% MN)
- Formulated to readily mix with glyphosate products.
- 1-2 L/ac in 5-10 US gal of spray water volume.
- Mix the highly concentrated suspension thoroughly before transfer into the spray tank (if a jug, shake well. If a shuttle, circulate or push air through).
- Fill the spray tank at least 2/3 full prior to adding SuperMn+.
- Maintain proper agitation while mixing.
What is it?
- SuperMn+ is a highly concentrated suspension with a guaranteed analysis of 10-10-4 with 6% Manganese.
- SuperMn+ is fast-acting and longer-lasting than similar Manganese sulfate derived products on the market.
- SuperMn+ is formulated to be tank-mixed with glyphosate and other herbicides without impacting weed efficacy.
- The product is available in 10L jugs, 450L and 1000L IBC’s.
When and Why use it?
- SuperMn+ promotes rapid uptake during acute periods of Manganese shortage.
- It is recommended during herbicide timing and under conditions that reduce Manganese uptake.
- Recommended for areas with soil pH > 6.5, where Manganese availability is limited.
- Use when a poor root system is observed to trigger secondary root formation.
- Highly recommended when dealing with leaf and root diseases.
- SuperMn+ is effective on soybeans and other pulses, oilseeds, cereals, fruits and vegetables with high Manganese requirements.
What to expect?
- Less Manganese deficiency, greener crop with an efficient photosynthetic activity.
- An improvement of the overall nutrient status of the crop.
- Better fending off diseases.
- Preservation of yield potential.