OMEX Muscle Up
Advanced Phosphorus & Potassium Nutrition
- 0.25 L/ac with a minimum of 5-10 US gal/ac of water.
- Can be combined with pesticide application (see compatibility charts).
- Application rate is 1-2 L/ac per application.
- Apply 3-6 applications of pHortress, beginning at tuber initiation.
- Subsequent applications should be on 10-14 day intervals.
- Order of addition into the sprayer: water, pHortress then pesticide.
What is it?
- pHortress® is a highly concentrated suspension fertilizer with Phosphorus, Potassium and micronutrients.
- It is meant to complement a well-balanced nutritional program to KeeP the crop healthy.
- pHortress combines OMEX’s proprietary technologies from KeeP and uPtaKe IC, which provides far superior foliar uptake and translocation.
- The product is available in 10L jugs, 450L and 1000L IBC’s.
When and Why use it?
- pHortress can be used on all crops.
- In potatoes and other root and tuber crops, pHortress can be applied in-furrow at planting or in season as a spray onto the foliage.
- Use to quickly mitigate or correct phosphorus and potassium deficiency.
- Use to improve the overall health of the crop when applying pesticides.
What to expect?
- Increased early season root development and plant vigor.
- Increased tuber count and marketable yield.
- Improved Phosphorus and Potassium status in the tissues.
- Healthier crop.