OMEX Liquid K Xtra
Liquid K Xtra™ with Plant Growth Regulators
ANALYSIS (0-0-12)

- PGRs are recommended are various rates depending on the analysis. Check the label for more information.
- Liquid K Xtra™ is recommended at 2L/ac in 10 US gal of water at any stage of growth and development to address potassium deficiency.
- Apply the mixture at 3-5 leaf stage in cereals.
- The mixture is compatible with most commonly used herbicides (see compatibility charts).
*Liquid K Extra™ is a registered trademark of Agrowchem Inc.
What is it?
- Liquid K Xtra™ is a superior potassium fertilizer formulated for fast foliar uptake and translocation.
- Kinetin PGRs are available under various analyses.
- This product is available in 10L, 450L and 1000L IBC’s.
When and Why use it?
- Kinetin PGRs are recommended on all crops including cereals, pod crops such canola, soybeans and pulses, oilseeds, forages as well as fruit and vegetables.
- Applied early in the season (3-5 leaf stage) Kinetin PGR increases the rate of cell division, differentiation and growth.
- Applied later in the season (during seed and fruit set) Kinetin PGR increases the size of the cells making higher thousand kernel weight (TKW) and bigger size fruit
- Kinetin PGR advances the growth and development of the main stem and tillers resulting in a high test weight and more even maturity of the harvested grain.
In addition, the combination of Kinetin PGRs with key nutrients such as potassium (K):
- Increases flower set, fruit formation and lateral branching.
- Evens the tillers and main stem in cereals provided an optimal seeding rate is observed
- Offers an available form of K, which is essential for cell development and strength.
- The combination of Kinetin PGRs with Liquid K Xtra™ revealed to reduce straw height and strength in cereals crops, which often contribute to the prevention of lodging.
What to expect?
- Small plot research trials in Manitoba with varieties Harvest and Plentiful, during 2014, 2015 and 2016, showed a reduction of height by 4–6 inches in response to the treatment with Kinetin PGRs and Liquid K Xtra™ over the untreated control.
- Large scale farm trials with wheat, barley and oats showed similar effect.
- A varietal effect was observed and some varieties were irresponsive: although the cytokinin effect was observed no shortening of the straw was noticed.
- On farm use during 2014, 2015 and 2016 season reported an effect on crop height, health, yield and quality.