OMEX Ergone
Breaking the Ergot Cycle

- Apply Ergone at 1L /ac with a minimum of 10 USgal of water (15 USgal is preferred) at early flowering stage.
- Recommended alone or tank-mixed with most commonly used fungicide (see compatibility chart). Some combination may be physically compatible but may cause bronzing effect on the leaves.
- Ergone is a copper containing product and as such should be sprayed with a high water volume, especially if tank-mixed with fungicides that require higher rates of surfactant.
- Ergone is a copper containing product and as such should be sprayed with a high water volume, especially if tank-mixed with fungicides that require higher rates of surfactant.
What is it?
- Ergone is a low salt index liquid fertilizer that delivers the right amount of Copper to cereals prior to flowering.
- The product is formulated with fully water soluble ingredients and OMEX’s proprietary technology that enhances uptake and translocation.
- The product is available in 10L jugs, 450L and 1000L IBC’s.
When and Why use it?
- Ergone is recommended on all cereal crops.
- Ergone is intended to be sprayed alone or in conjunction with commonly used fungicides.
- Copper is important for many plant processes including chlorophyll production, photosynthesis, straw lignification, pollen fertility, the pollination process and seed quality.
- Prairies soils are known for their copper deficiency that ranges from moderate to severe depending on the cropped area.
- Soil applied copper is mainly intercepted by the root to be beneficial to the crop. Any condition that leads to a poor root growth and development impacts copper uptake.
- Copper hence needs to be supplied throughout the season through soil application, coating the fertilizer or the seed and foliar.
- Cereals are very sensitive to copper deficiency especially rye, barley and spring wheat.
- A correlation has been established between copper deficiency and the prevalence of ergot in cereals.
What to expect?
- Ergone improves copper levels in the plant prior to flowering, leading to an improvement of pollen fertility.
- High pollen fertility guarantees a better and quicker pollination leading to lower chances of contamination by ergot spores. The mechanism of action is called avoidance.
- Field trials with spring wheat across the prairies showed a reduction of the flowering period by 2-3 days, resulting in a decrease in ergot incidence provided a proper seeding rate is observed.
- The product contains copper and improves lignification and straw strength and helps prevent lodging.